The Final Countdown To...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Primary Analysis #5 - John Winthrop

Examine the letter written by John Winthrop to his wife.  Then, comment on it, revealing your thoughts on it.

  • Which themes in the letter relate back to the themes and ideas within the Chapter 3 reading?  
  • List 2 things within the letter you thought were important ideas relating back to Unit 2?  
  • What does the document reveal about life in the United States in the time it was written?  What evidence within the document demonstrates this?


Austin F said...

1.) The theme in the letter that relate back to the theme of Chapter 3 strong religous beliefs in God, and trust in God.

2.) One thing I thought was important relating back to Unit 2 was when he says he wouldnt have changed his course although he's seen everything that will happen. I thought this was relevant and important to unit to because he was saying that he beilves in what he was doing, and he wouldnt change it either way. This is relevant to unit 2 because when the people had the option to go back to England on the mayflower they chose not to because they believed in there cause and wanted to stay with it, although surrounded by all the death. Another part of the letter I thought was important and related back to unit 2 was when he says" He is our god, and may dispose of us as He sees good." I thought this was important because of belief.All throught the letter when he talks he shows that he believes in it, even though things are bad, and in this case he believes that God is doing everything with purpose even if it is taking his friends and members he is with. I found this relatable to unit 2 because all thoughtout the unit the different people had specific beilefs that in the end allowed them to do certain things. For an example if Penn. did not believe in making a relgious tolerant place and go along with it, then it wouldnt have been done, but he did it because he knew it was for the better and it would work for the people who suffered. Just as Winthrop knows the people who died and suffered are all part of Gods plan.

3.)This document shows that the United States was a very spiritual people at the time. The evidence I have to support this is that all during the letter, Winthrop always talks about God, from start to finish, and that everything that happens to him and others is okay because they will go to heaven, even if they have to go to hell to get there.

gabby zawadzki said...

1) The themes in this letter that relate back to the reading of chapter 3 were economic depression and the belief and trust in God.

2) Two things i believe were important relating back to unit 2 were first, "although we see much morality, sickness and trouble, yet myself and children with most of my family are yet living and in health and enjoy prosperity enough, if the afflictions of out brethren did not hold under the comfort of it."(Winthrop) Winthrop is talking about how much he is grateful for all of the people he loves the most and how they are healthy and even through all of the disease the colonies went through they got through it by trusting God and knowing that in the end out of all this bad something good will come out of it. Second, when Winthrop says, "And do hhope that our days of affliction will soon have an end, and that the Lord will do us more good in the end than we could have expected, that will abundantly recompense for all the troubles we have endured."(Winthrop) Talking about how many troubles they have endured and that no matter what they will always believe God has something good planned for them in the end after all that they have gone through.

3)This letter reveals that the United States was a very spiritual place at the time and that no matter what was going on the trusted that it was in God's plan and that he would not put them through something that they could not survive. The evidence supporting this is Winthrop talking about his belief in God and how mo matter what through all the downs they went through he praises and always will love God and that he believes he will get to Heaven even if he has to go through Hell to get there.

Jon Han said...

1. The theme in this letter that relates back to chapter 3 are trust and faith in God and miserable conditions.

2. One thing that i found that related back to chapter 3 is "He will not cast us off, but, in His due time, will do us good, according to the measure of our afflictions. This shows that even in hard times, they still believed that good things will still happen to them. This is relevant to Chapter 3 because in Massachusetts they did really hold that much religious tolerance and Puritans mainly controlled all of the government workings in that colony. Also another thing that related to chapter 3 was I praise the good Lord, though we see much morality, sickness and trouble and yet(such is His mercy) myself and children with most of my family, are yet living, and in health, and enjoy prosperity enough. This is another example of blind faith even through the hardest conditions that they experienced in chapter. They look for the good things and thank God for them instead of complaining for the unfortunate conditions

3.This letter shows that during that time you need God to get thorugh the tough times while constructing the colony. We could tell this because Winthrop always thanks God for the things that they do have instead of the things that they don't. Also Winthrop has faith that good things will come eventually.

Airiel V said...

1. The theme in his letter is mostly about God and his faith in God. The theme is strongly about the belief of God.
2. One thing I find important in this letter is how John Winthrop says how people are dying yet he stays when he has a family back in England. It shows how committed he is to making a living there; just like the first group of people to arrive there on the Mayflower, they didn't go back when they had the chance. Another thing I thought was important was his strong belief in God. He mentioned God numerous times in his letter to his wife. He believes in God very strongly and trusts that he'll make sure they stay safe. In the other letter, religion didn't play a major role whereas here it does.
3. The letter shows that life was very tough there at that time. John Winthrop mentions how people have died which means there were a lot of people dying. Also, the reason they went there was because they were on the verge of economic depression which means they didn't have much to work with. They didn't go there on good terms so they were probably very confused and trying to figure out what to do which means they probably weren't happy. Their beginning time there probably wasn't the best. It also shows they believed that everything would be okay because of God.

Miranda Zygmunt said...

1) The theme of this letter that relates back to the theme of the chapter 3 reading is strong religious belief and terrible traveling conditions.

2) The first thing I thought was important that relates back to Unit 2 is how John Winthrop has family back in England but he left them there to start life in the New World and to try to make life better for all the other settlers. John saw all that would happen (sickness and death mostly) and still stayed on course so everyone could eventually live a better life. This relates back to Unit 2 because a lot of other immigrants had to leave their families behind when they went to the New World. Many people could not afford the trip for everyone in their family so they went to find work before they brought the rest of the family along. However, a lot of people didn’t even survive the trip there. The second thing I thought was important from this letter was that John talks about God freely and often. He could express his religion in the New World. Also, he was so devoted to God that everything that happened only happened because it was what God wanted to happen. This relates to Unit 2 because people traveled to the New World have religious freedom and to be able to practice their religion without being persecuted. People in the New World looked for colonies such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island, and more for religious refuge.

3) This document shows that people in the United States at this time were very religious and desperately seeking religious tolerance. The evidence that supports this in the letter is the strong belief and support of God that John Winthrop has. John believes God makes everything happen because it is the way God wants it to happen. Also, the other evidence that I have is that immigrants, including John, was willing to leave behind their family so that they and many others would be able to live a better life eventually, even if things had a rough start.

Joseph T said...

1-Some of the themes in the letter that relate to the chapter 3 readings were a strong religious belief and the harsh conditions one had to endure to get to America.

2-One thing I thought was important was Winthrops family. He loved them greatly, but he left them behind to start a new life in the new world. He wanted to help and make life better for the settlers. He saw all of the illness and death yet he never wavered from his course. He said that no matter what, he would not have changed what he did. This relates back to Unit 2 as many settlers faced hardships, yet they all had good lives no matter what was thrown at him. Another thing I thought was important was how often he mentions religion. In the New World, he could express his religion without fear of persecution as it was in England. This related back to Unit 2 as many came to the New World solely for the religious freedom.

3-This document reveals that in America the colonists had to face many hardships. They did have good lives despite this. They became a hardy people and were able to survive despite this. It also reveals that they had a great faith in God. This may have had something to do with their unwillingness to give up. They had a great love of religion and they loved America because of their religious freedom

Cameron S said...

1) The themes in this letter that relate back to Chapter 3, were strong religious beliefs in God and faith and trust in God.

2) One thing I thought was important that related back to Unit 2, was when John Winthrop said, "If He shall see good to make us partakers with others in more affliction, His will be done." This was important because Winthrop is saying if God sees something good in someone, he will make it show. This relates to Chapter 3, because in the section The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth, Winthrop eagerly accepted the offer to become the first governor of the Mass. Bay Colony, believing he had a "calling" from God to lead the new religious experiment. As we all know, Winthrop ended up serving for 19 years as governor. Another thing that relates back to Unit 2, was when Winthrop said, "He is our god, and may dispose of us as He sees good." This is important because this sentence is what the whole letter talks about, belief in God. The whole letter was about how he believes that whatever God does, is for a reason. This relates back to Chapter 3, because in the section Building the Bay Colony only the Puritans (visible saints) were allowed to be freemen.

3) The letter reveals that the U.S. at that time was becoming more and more religious because of how religious Winthrop was. The evidence is in the letter when Winthrop says, "If I were to come again, I would not have altered my course." He means that if he had the choice to be reborn, he would want to live the same life because of how much he loves and appreciates God.

Stefanie Ellsworth said...

Stefanie Ellsworth said...
1. The themes in the letter relate back to the Chapter 3 are strong religious beliefs about God and traveling in harsh conditions to get to the New World.

2. One thing I thought was important relating back to Unit 2 was when John Winthrop left his family in England to go to the New World. He wanted to go to the New World for a better life. This relates to Unit 2 because a lot of immigrants left their families to go to the New World. The people couldn't afford to bring their families along so they found work then brought them over. The second thing I thought was important was that John Winthrop discuses about God a lot. While in the New World he can express his religion. He was devoted to God. This relates to Unit 2 because many people traveled to the New World and could practice their own religion without getting persecuted. The people in the New World looked for Massachusetts, Bay Colony, Rhode Island and many other refugees to practice religion.

3. This document shows that people in the United States at that time had strong religious beliefs about God and they were looking for religious tolerance. The evidence that supports this is that John Winthrop had a strong relationship with God. Also, John and other immigrants left their families for a better life in the New World.

Gangsta Phil said...

1. the theme of the letter and of chapter 3 in the american pagent because this letter shows how hard life was in the colonies for some people like winthrop says he misses his family. much like in chapter 3 this is an example of how people lived in the colonies.
2.i feel that the important ideas that relate back to unit 2 are that how much winthrop missed his family is a perfect example on how many men came to the new world for economic prosperity but had to leave there families back in england. the other important idea that relates back to unit 2 in the letter is that how much winthrop relies on god for everythinhg he believes in wich is how alot of people felt around the time of the massachusets bay colony wich was made on puritan beliefes.
3.this document revels that in america at this time there were officials whos family had not moved to the new world yet and they had to try and take charge of the comunity without the support of there family and they also were highly relying on religion to help them getlthrought the tough times an individual might face.

Brooke H said...

1. The themes in this letter that relate back to the themes and ideas within chapter 3 are a strong belief in your religion and trying to make a better life for yourself.

2. One thing that I thought was important that related back to unit 2 was how John Winthrop kept saying how much he missed his family. This is important because he had to leave his life back in England and come to America in order to have a better life for himself. This relates back to unit 2 because it talked about how some immigrants had to leave everything behind for a better life in the new world. Another thing that I thought was important was how strongly Winthrop believed and trusted in god. This relates back to unit 2 because people believed so much in their religion that they faced the rough conditions of traveling to come to American so they could have a little religious freedom.

3. This document reveals that life in the United States at that time were very religious and a lot better than England. The evidence within the document that demonstrates this is how much he said he trusted in god and when he said "I like so well to be here, as I do not repent my coming, and if I were to come again, I would not have altered my course, though I had foreseen all these afflictions."

Nathan H said...

1. Themes in the letter that relate back to the chapter is the hardship there (high death percentage, lack of resupplies) as well as religion. Mr.Winthrop writes to his wife about how all these people have died prematurely but still retains his trust in God.

2. One thing I found interesting is that Winthrop is still optimistic than what most people today would be. People are dying, supplies nearly missed him, he is away from his family but he okay with it. He trusts in God and writes to his wife for moral support, relating to importance of religion in unit two. Additionally he accepts his place in New England and he will cooperate with his fellow Puritans to become one united colony which relates E pluribus unum.

3. Again the document demonstrates of how living conditions were poor back then but people tried to pull through. Supplies might not make it there, people died fairly early from diseases, there was economic depression yet Puritans and Colonist like John kept persevering. The Letter to his wife explains clearly that he acknowledges the hardships and how he might die but he will continue working for the good of the colony.The first paragraph where he mentions sickness,morality and people he knew are now dead is one example. Another is in the last two paragraph where he talks about God where he hopes he will pull him through and says that nearest to him he has good neighbors.

Pallavi Kasturi said...

1. The themes in the letter that relate back to the themes and ideas with chapter 3 were the economic depression and the faith and belief in God.

2. One thing I found that related to Unit 2 in this letter was, “He will not cast us off, but, in His due time, will do us good, according to the measure of our afflictions.” This shows that even in hard times, they still believed that good things will still happen even though everything is going the way they planned. In Massachusetts they didn’t care for much religious tolerance and Puritans mainly controlled everything going on then. Another important idea was, “Although we see much morality, sickness and trouble, yet myself and children with most of my family are yet living and in health and enjoy prosperity enough, if the afflictions of out brethren did not hold under the comfort of it.” Winthrop is saying, how thankful he is for all of the people he loves and how they are healthy even after all of the diseases spreading around in the colonies. They got through it by trusting God and knowing that in the end this bad will turn into something good.

3. This letter shows that during this time you need God to get through the hardships and while constructing the colony .In the letter it said, “I Like so well to be here, as I do not repent my coming, and if I were to come again, I would not have altered my course, though I had foreseen all these afflictions.” Winthrop always thanked God for the things that they do have instead of things they didn’t. Winthrop believed that good things happen to those wait.

Matt Cosciello said...

1) The themes in the letter that relate back to Chapter 3 are the strong religious belief in God, and the horrible traveling conditions.

2)One thing I thought was important relating back to Unit 2 was when John Winthrop talks about God. God had to do with almost all of his letter. It shows how he and many other people had strong faith in God in the 1600s. Also, when he talks about his harsh traveling conditions he is going through just to live in America when he was a family all the way back in England really shows how he and so many other people in the 1600s were so committed to live in the US.

3) This document reflects upon how people had so much faith in God during this time era and how spiritual people were with God.

Paul said...

1. The theme in this letter hat relate back to Chapter are a very strong religious belief in God and awful conditions.

2. One thing that i thought was important while I was reading was how much John Winthrop believed in his religion. He believed so strongly in God, that he thought everything that happened to him, happened for a reason because God wanted this to happen. Also He can express his religion freely and when ever he wants. He doesn't have to worry about about being forced to practice his countries religion. Also another thing i found important was how he left everything behind to sail to the new world. He left his family behind. This relates to unit 2 because how the slaves were shipped to the new world, they had leave everything behind as well, just like Winthrop did.

3. This letter shows that people in the United states back then were very religious. They were very religious because John Winthrop had a very strong passion for god and believed in his religion very strongly.

Izabella G. said...

1. The themes in the letter that relate back to the themes of Chapter 3 include strong beliefs in religion and harsh conditions in society.

2. One thing that I had found important in the letter that related to Unit 2 had been the faith the people still had. Winthrop had stated, "I praise the good Lord, though we see much morality, sickness, and trouble..". Even though the people were having a difficult time in survival they knew that one day things would get better. They had not given up their dreams of a successful civilization that they can live in and allow it to strive throughout the years. This had tied in with the other important reason of religion. John Winthrop and his people had looked at their God for inspiration and hope. They knew that he would help them which is why they had put so much of their time into the practice of their own religion and made it a priority to have a location to freely practice their beliefs. Everything these people had done had focused around their religion and improving the life styles they had lived.

3. This document reveals that life in the United States had been difficult around this time and it was a lot of work to set up a civilization. The people had suffered from many illnesses and died. But, we can tell that the people did have more freedom than their previous civilizations which allowed them to have a better life. Winthrop had stated, "I have never fared better in my life, never slept better, never had more content of mind, which comes merely of the Lord's good hand..". The U.S. had presented itself as a new opportunity to be of other countries which they had decided to take and try to have a better life. Even though it had been difficult they had used their strong faith in religion to continue their work and set up a civilization that would be a better environment for themselves and their families. Religion had been very important to these people and it was a necessity to have a place that ensured religious toleration.

Anonymous said...

1. The things written by John Winthrop that relate back to chapter three are the people's strong belief and faith in God, and tough, harsh conditions.

2. One thing I found in the letter that would relate back to unit two was when Winthrop said, "I praise God, we have many occasions of comfort here, and do hope, that our days of affliction will soon have an end, and that the Lord will will do us more good in the end than we could have expected, that will abundantly recompense for all the troubles we have endured." That's important because it shows how faithful the people were to the Lord even though they were in such harsh conditions economically. The second thing I thought was important in the letter that related back to unit two was when Winthrop said, "Yet we may not look at great things here. It is enough that we shall have Heaven, though we should pass through Hell to it." This shows that times are tough and that they'd have to get throught the Hell on Earth that they were put through to pass into the kingdom of Heaven.

3. The letter by John Winthrop shows that the people living in the United States at this time rely mostly on prayer and their belief in God. The best way the people can find comfort in this time is to believe that there is someone watching after them and that after these tought economic times they will prosper. You can see this when Winthrop says, "I thank God, I like so well to be here as I do not repent my coming and if I were to come again, I would not have altered my course, though I had forseen all these afflictions. I never fared better in my life, never slept better, never had more content of mind, which comes merely of the Lord's good hand." Also, this letter shows that the United States is going through a tough time and conditions don't seem to be improving for the people whom were living there.

Nick Yousse said...

1) The main theme of the letter is to express the economic depression. This can also relate back to chapter 3 because of serious religion and strong belief in god.

2) I thought a very important part of the note was the fact he didn’t give up and go home to his family in England. Many of his soldiers died but he never quit and continued to push on. This can be related back the two units 2 because it talks about the conditions of life such as the uprising in disease. John could have easily left this behind but continued on with his goals. His perseverance leaves me with the second important part of his note which was his belief in his goal. He knew it was going to be a struggle and many people thought the new world could be bad when they arrived. He knew the whole time he had a goal and he was determined to complete it.

3) The number one main idea of how life was in the United States is god. Throughout the entire article, John talks about the spiritual belief in god. He always says how everything will work out because of god and heaven. This is true throughout all of the United States back to the puritans, not just John’s area.

Sean Maziuk said...
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Sean Maziuk said...

1.The themes in the document that relate to the readings of chapter 3 are strong belief in god, and the difficult traveling conditions.

2.2 important ideas I found were Winthrop's confidence in his fellow puritans, and also his belief in god that even in the worst of times, he would lead them in the right direction.

3. This letter reveals that people of the United States had a great amount of confidence in god. I know this becausein Winthrop's letter, even after stating all of the casualties, and bad conditions, he would still praise god,and show his passion for his religion.

Lucas Q. said...

1. The theme that relates to chapter three was the strong beliefs in god and the horrid conditions one had to go through to get to the New World.

2. One thing i found important in the letter that relates to Unit Two was that it tells how Winthrop stayed in the New World despite all the death and that he had family back in England all because he really wanted to make a new life there. Also it talked about was "I praise the good Lord, though we see much morality, sickness and trouble and yet(such is His mercy) myself and children with most of my family, are yet living, and in health, and enjoy prosperity enough." This shows they look to god and trust in him a lot.

3. This shows that the United States the people were very religious and that they faced many hardships. his is supported by the letter because it tells of all the death and disease but they look to God to help them.

Bethany Verab said...

1.) The themes in the letter written by John Winthrop to his wife relate back to the themes of chapter 3 of the very strong religious beliefs people had in God.They had complete faith in him.For example,they trusted God with every decision they would make,just like Winthrop did by moving to Massachusetts in the New World.

2.)One thing that I thought was important relating back to Unit 2 is how strong of a person John Winthrop is to try and maintain a better life for the New World settlers with help from God. I believe this is relevant to Unit 2 because it shows how dedicated people were to begin an entirely different life whether it turns good or bad in the end because of their trust in God. I feel as though they believed God had a purpose with every new decision they had encountered such as moving on and leaving their families behind like many immigrants had to do. The second important idea that also related back to Unit 2 is when John Winthrop said, "Yet we may not look at great things here. It is enough that we shall have Heaven, though we should pass through Hell to it." I believe this is important because in my opinion it's saying that with every struggle that gets in the way of someone, something good will be the outcome. This statement relates to all the settlers in the New World because of the drastic change they probably had to over come from immigrating to the New World.

3.) This document reveals that life in the United States during the 1600's was that people felt very strongly about God himself because every decision they chose to make in life was because of their faith and trust in God. They felt that God would guide them through their life until death.

Emma C said...

1. The themes in this letter that relate back to the theme of chapter 3 are the love and trust in God, and the threatening economic depression.

2. One thing within the letter that I thought was an important idea relating back to unit 2 is when Winthrop said, "I praise the good lord, though we see much morality, sickness, and trouble, yet myself and children with the most of my family, are yet living, and in health." This is important because he is talking about how much he loves God for keeping him and his family healthy. another thing I believe is important is when Winthrop said, " I long for the time, when I may see thy sweet face again, and the faces of my dear children." Unit 2 talks about how back then the two most important thing in people's lives were God and their family and this tells us that Winthrop loves his family so much because he
prayed to God to let him see his family.

3. This document reveals that life in the United States at this time was very Religous. At this time, God was the only thing that gave them hope. Evidence within the document to support this answer is when Winthrop said, " He stays but till He hath purged our corruptions, and healed the hardness and error of our hearts, and stripped us of our vain confidence in this are flesh, that He may have us rely wholly upon Himself." This means that they have lost everything because God has taken it away from them, so now the only thing left to rely on is God.

Christina Popik said...

1) The themes in this letter that relate back to the themes and ideas within the Chapter 3 reading are about his strong faith and trust in God.

2) One thing within the letter that I thought was an important idea relating back to Unit 2 is how much faith John Winthrop had in God. “He is our God, and may dispose of us as He sees good,” he said in the letter. Winthrop believed everything happens for a reason and he knew it would be okay in the end; he really trusted God. Another thing that is an important idea is the fact that Winthrop missed his family so much. However, he had to move from England for a better life for himself and other people. He was a very positive guy even though he’s been through a lot from this move and from seeing disease get the best of people.

3) The document reveals about the United States that times were hard back then. People were dying from disease and some began to lose hope in a better life. But people like John Winthrop who looked at life with a positive attitude knew it was going to be okay. They knew that all they needed to do was trust God and remember everything happens for a reason. “It is enough we have Heaven, though we shall pass through Hell to it. We here enjoy God and Jesus Christ.”

Justine said...

1) The theme in the letter from John Winthrop that relates back to the theme of Chapter 3 is believing in God and trusting him.

2) One thing that was important, that relates back to Unit 2 is, "He will no cast us off, but, in his due time, will do us good, according to the measure of our afflictions." This shows that people had a strong belief in God and they believed that if they did the right thing and help others, then he will keep you healthy and reward you. This is relevant to Unit 2 because one of the main themes of this Unit was religion. Another thing that connects to Unit 2 from the letter is,"I praise the good Lord, though we see much morality, sickness, and trouble, yet myself and children with most of my family, are yet living, and in health, and enjoy prosperity." I believe this relates to Unit 2 because it shows how people had to leave their families and put their trust in God to keep their families safe with all the diseases and religious conflicts going on. These situations were describe in Unit 2.

3) This document shows that the United States was going through a time where everyone was getting sick, there were servants, and there was a limited supply of goods. The evidence in the letter that supports this is the quote,"I praise the Lord, though we see much mortality, sickness, and trouble," because this tells us many people were sick. It is also supported when John Winthrop says, "Good Mr, Higginson, my servant," because it clearly shows us people had their own servants to work for them. Lastly, the letter states, "Now we are somewhat refreshed with such goods and provisions... though half received was damaged by the wet." This is evidence because goods had to get shipped over to America and if they had to do that, then that means they didn't have enough to support everyone or they needed more goods to trade with others to get survival supplies. Therefore America had a limited supply of goods.

Joanna C said...

1)The theme that is presented in this letter that relates back to chapter three is that you should trust and have your faith in God.

2)Two things in this letter that were important ideas relating back to unit two were, one, the first sentence where he says that the blessing of god should be on thee...and second, like just how he keeps stressing the fact thatevery one should believe in god and trust him and stuff. These things represent the theme of unit two because it all says how people were putting their faith in god, and they were praying for family..etc.

3) What this letter says about the U.S. at this time is that people had all their faith in God, like John Winthrop did. People at this time looked up to God as an inspiration and like as a source and stuff.

Jen Fusco said...

1. The themes that relate back to the themes and ideas within the Chapter 3 reading including terrible living conditions and the trust and faith in God.

2. One thing in the letter that I thought was an important idea relating back to Unit 2 included the fact that he had a family back in England, yet he decided to stay in America even though the living conditions weren’t so good. This relates to Unit 2, because people were committed to living in America in search for a better life and better freedoms. Another thing within the letter that I thought was important was how many times he mentioned God. He strongly believed in God and he was very great. This relates to Unit 2 because religion basically ran most colonies. There was even problems with people believing in different religions, thus colonies were formed for people of different religions to live together.

3. This document reveals that the United States in the time it was written was becoming a very religious place. Evidence within the document that demonstrates this is how often John Winthrop talks about God. He praises and is faithful to God and that shows how committed people were to their religion and religious freedoms during that time.

Brian Cusano said...

1. The theme in the letter from Chapter 3 is believing in god and having trust in god.

2. One thing i thought was important was how much he talked about god, almost all of this letter referenced god. It just shows how strong the belief in god back in that time. Another thing was about Winthrop's family and how he left them behind for a new life in America to help colonists.

3.The document showed how America had very religious at that time. Also how much they had trust that god would lead them to the right things.

Ryan D. said...

1. The themes in the letter that relate back to the themes in Chapter 3 are the praising of God and the troubling conditions when coming to the New World.

2. One thing in the document that relate back to Unit 2 that I think is important is how John Winthrop left his family to help lead his life along with the other settlers' lives in the New World. This relates to Unit 2 because many people left their lives in England to start over in the New World. Another important thing that relates back to Unit 2 is John Winthrop's strong belief in God. He believed that God would guide him so he never gave up. This relates back to Unit 2 because a very important value in peoples' lives was religion.

3. This document reveal that life in the United States during this time was based off of the belief in that God will help you succeed and will guide you. This is demonstrated throughout the letter when Winthrop says that good things will come, even if it is tough to get there.

Ruben Caiza Jr. said...

1. The theme/themes in the letter that relate back to the reading (ch. 3) were belief in god, trust in god, and bad conditions for traveling.

2.Two things that were important in unit 2 were; when Winthrop was very religious in the new world which related back to unit 2 when he said,"god may dispose of us as he see's good". Also, he talked about how the people had the chance to go back on the Mayflower but didn't even though they had the chance. This relates back because they believed in their cause.

3. The letter is basically stating that the people of the U.S. back then were very religious and would do anything to get into heaven. I know this because in the letter Winthrop is constantly talking about god, and he was willing to do whatever it took to enter heaven, even if he had to go through hell.

Chris Bogardus said...

1. The themes that relate to the chapter are the peoples trust and belief in God and the bad traveling conditions.

2. Two things that were important in the letter was when Winthrop was concoeling about how he missed his family. This relates to Unit two because even though the people were facing adversity they kept good memories in thought. Another is that he felt comfortable mentioing religion in his letter because he could not be punised by England. This relates to Unit two because people immagated to the New World for religious freedom.

3. The document shows how hard of times they had but they were spiritually stong. The evidence is how Winthrop kept talking about God and his religion. Also, he explained the tough travel conditions.

Dianka said...

1. Themes that are in the letter that relate back to chapter 3 are the ideas of a strong belief in God, bad economic conditions, and the difficult trip to the New World.

2. One thing I found important was that Winthrop had left his family that he loved so much to get to the New World, even with all the disease going on around him as an obstacle in his way he still never gave up and never turned back, he continued to make his way into the New World in search of a better life, this relates back to Unit 2 because many families had to get split when a family member decided to make their way into the New World, it just wasn't exactly affordable. Another thing that I found rather important was Winthrop's strong faith in God. He had a very strong belief and trust in God, trying to connect with him throughout the entire journey to the New World. This also relates to Unit 2 because a strong belief in God and religious tolerance is what made people want to come to the New World, they sought religious freedom which is what the New World had to offer as well.

3. What this document reveals about life in the United States during this time is that a lot of people seemed to turn to God in the tough times and they had a strong spiritual faith in him. Winthrop saw all the deaths going on around him, he knew of the disease going around, economy wasn't good, and he still didn't turn back and he says, "I praise the good Lord, though we see much mortality, sickness, and trouble..." Even with all these miserable things going on around him he continues to thank and praise the Lord instead of envy him. This is just one example, many seemed to follow in a time like this, those who didn't turn back like Winthrop were the ones who solely relied on the help of Jesus Christ and kept him with them through the journey.

Sam Hardiman said...

1) The themes in this letter that relate back to chapter 3 are the strong religious beliefs in God, and the horrific conditions people had to endure while coming to the United States.

2)One thing that I thought was important relating back to Unit two was "I praise the good Lord, though we see much morality, sickness, and trouble...". This is important because it shows that even though they are going through these terrible conditions, they believe and trust in God still because he says "I praise the good Lord". So no matter what they will always believe that everything will be okay because of God. Also, I found it interesting that John Winthrop left his wife and family behind in England because he wanted to come and see the New World, which is similar how in Unit two many immigrants only had one family member usually a man come over from Europe to see the New World because they couldn't spare enough money to send them all.

3)This document shows how religious and spiritual the United States was at the time. They put all their trust in God because they believed he could make everything better, and that his plan for them was the right way to go.

Julian F said...

1) The theme in this letter that relates back to the theme of Chapter 3 is strong belief and faith/trust in god, and bad traveling conditions to the new world.

2)One thing that relates back to unit 2 that i found important was how much talking of god there was especially when Winthrop talked about him. It showed how strong people's faiths were at the time of the letter. The new world allowed the freedom of religion hence why so many people wanted to go there. Another important topic that relates to unit 2 that i found in this letter is the harsh voyage people tend to have on their way to the new world based on weather conditions. The new world was thought to create a better life which is why so many people went there and how most people even left there families to be there.

3) This document revealed how much faith in god there was during this time and how important god was in the lives of many. All Winthrop talks about in this document is god. No matter how life was to Winthrop he always had god there and thats how people thought back then.

Katherine A. said...

The themes in the letter from John Winthrop that relate back to the themes/ideas of Chapter 3 are strong religious beliefs. Trust and faith in God during tough conditions is also an idea that Winthrop and Chapter 3 emphasized.
1. One idea within the letter that I thought was an important idea that related back to Unit 2 was how John Winthrop had to leave his family behind in England while he traveled to the New World. He trusted God to make the right decision and kept his faith in God even when it seemed like he had made the wrong choice.
2. A second idea within the letter that I thought was an important idea that related back to Unit 2 was how he has such a strong faith in God. This can relate back to Unit 2 because during those times, everyone was focused on their religion. His letter proves to us that people really did believe that everything in their life that happened was because of God’s doing.
The document reveals that people’s lives in the U.S. at the time revolved around their religion. John Winthrop used God to help him get through the hard times of traveling to the New World. The evidence within the document that demonstrates this is how Winthrop addresses God. He believes God does everything for a reason and he says that “the Lord is all-sufficient, blessed be.”

Frankie M. said...

1. The themes that relate to the Chapter 3 include the strong belief in God, as well as the harsh travelling conditions.

2. One thing that I found important which related back to unit 2 was how John Winthrop continued to talk about how he missed his family, and it is important because he left his home in England to start a new life in America. This can relate to Unit 2 because it shows the ideas of how some immigrants chose to leave their previous lives behind for a fresh start in the new world.

3. The letter displayes the incredibly strong and confident belief in God from the United States citizens. This is supported by the fact that in the end of Winthrop's letter after he wrote of all the death and poor conditions, he still showed confidence and belief in the Lord.

Myranda Williams said...

1. The theme in this letter that relates to chapter 3 are trust and belief in god, and horrible traveling and all together conditions.

2. One thing I thought was imporant and related back to unit 2 was John Winthrop and how he talked about his family, I thought this was important because he had to leave his family to have a better life for himself in America. This also relates to unit 2 because how immigrants left there life's behind for a better one in the new world. Another thing I found important was about how Winthrop talked about how his due time will do them good according to there afflictions. This is important because they always in the hard times still kept looking forwar towards the good. Relating to Chapter 3 because in some states they did keep that religious tolerance and also how the Puritans controlled the gov. doings in there colonies.

3. This document reveals how the United states has an extreme attention base on God. In most of the article Winthrop talks about the belief and trust in God. This belief and truthfulness is also believe by the puritans not just John.

patrick Martin said...

1. In the letter the theme that i thought stood out above all other themes was his faith in god.
2. One thing that stood out to me and made me think was how he had left his family. The reason this stood out was because he loved his family but he relazied that they needed his help over in the new world to make it a better place for people to go so he decided to leave his falimy and help out many more people. Anothe inportand part in the letter was how he mentoined his faithe in god because he was going throught a tough time because many people were dieing and the colinly was almost failing.
3. This letter shows that during the construction and early age of the americas many people found confert in god in their times of need. During the hardest times the people of the new world looked at god for guidence.

Nicole Thomas said...

1. The themes in the letter that relate back to the chapter 3 reading was the trust in god and the harsh living and traveling conditions.
2. Two things that i found important in this letter was that he left his family back home in England and that how much he talked about god. These two things relate to the book because in the book it talked about people going to the "new world" to have a better life and if they didn't have effort money they would have to leave there family. Also the book talks about how people were very religious back then.
3. This document revealed how people used to leave there family to go to the "new world". Also it revealed that in times of need they would turn to god to figure out what they were going to to.

Savannah N said...

1) The theme in the letter that relates back to the theme of Chapter 3 is the strong religious beliefs.

2) Two things i thought were important relating back to Unit 2 was even though people were dying at the time, John knew he still had his family back home in England. And another thing is that even though all things were going wrong, he had his trust in God that it would all work out, going back to the religious beliefs.

3) This document shows that the United Staes had a very religious base. If things were going wrong, they would have faith that God would lead them out of it. Evidence to support this is in Johns letter that with his way, is Gods way, and he is leading people in the right direction.

Ed Companik said...

1. The themes that relate back to chapter 3 are the fact that there was many problems trying to deal with religious issues and also the fact that the people had to live in very terrible conditions.

2. One idea that I thought was important in the letter was how John had left his family in order to go to the new world. This showed how much he cared about helping make the country better for his family to come to in the future and for all of them to live peacefully together. Another idea that was important is how John would always talk about god. That shows how much of a religious man he was and why he wanted to come to the new world in order to practice his own religion and not follow everyone else.

3. What this document reveals about life in the US is that it was very religious and a lot more free in order for everyone to practice their own religion unlike in England where they all had to practice 1 religion. What demonstrates this in the document is that he would always talk about god and how he trusted in him and how he could talk to him freely now.

Gavin Colwell said...

The themes of this document relates to the themes of Chapter 3 in that both show that people back then had a strong faith and dependence in God. I found it important that John Winthrop talked about the corruptions. In Chapter 3, the textbook talks about how there were many things wrong with the Church so they formed new divisions like Calvinism. Another thing that I found important was that some places or people were going through a rough time. In the book it talks about how indentured servants had very difficult lives. This article says that in the time that it was written, people often turned to God when they needed help. I could tell this because he talks about God alot.

Matt Vartelas said...

1. The themes in the letter that relate back to the themes and ideas within Chapter 3 are strong religious beliefs and the harsh conditions of traveling to the New World.

2. Two things within the letter that I thought were important and also related back to Unit 2 is how Winthrop left his family to start a new life, this relates back to Unit 2 because leaving your family to go to the New World was common in this time period. Also Winthrop has a strong belief in God which relates back to Unit 2 because religion played a huge role in settlers lives.

3. The document reveals that life in the United States was very hard but people used their belief in God and a hope that things would get better in order to get through these hard times. The document demonstrates this when Winthrop talks about how things were going to get better because he believed in God and when it spoke of the harsh conditions people had to live through.

Unknown said...

#1. The themes in this letter that relate back to the reading of chapter 3 were economic depression and the belief and trust in God.
#2. One thing that i found that related back to chapter 3 is "He will not cast us off, but, in His due time, will do us good…” This shows that even in hard times, they still believed that good things were to come and kept a positive attitude. This relates to Chapter 3 because in Massachusetts they did really hold that much religious tolerance and Puritans mainly controlled all of the government workings in that colony. The second thing I thought was important from this letter was that John talks about God a lot and talks about him opening. He could express his religion in the New World. Also, he was so devoted to God that everything that happened only happened because It was reasoned by god.
#3. This document reveals that in America the colonists had to face many hardships and life was hard and full of challenges. People faced many sicknesses and died but, they had more freedom that previous settlers and civilizations. The U.S was a place for opportunity.

Unknown said...

Dylan O said...

1.) The theme in the letter that relates back to the theme of chapter 3 is the strong belief and trust in God, and economic depression/tragedy.

2.) One thing I thought was important relating back to unit 2 was when Winthrop stated, "He is our God, and may dispose of us as He sees good." This shows how much trust he has in God and that everything that is happening to the people he is with is to represent a purpose from God. Winthrop believes that death that comes to the people will in the long run bring good. Another thing that I thought was Important was when Winthrop stated, "If God please once to settle me, I shall make amends." Winthrop is saying to hid wife and children that if God makes it so that he never comes home to them, that he will be fine with it because he trusts God and that there are reasons behind it. This shows how much trust and faith a person had back then in God to be able to not see their family ever again and be okay with it because it has a purpose from God. Overall, Winthrop is making the idea that God has a plan for him and the people that traveled to Massachusettes, even though bad things will happen.

3.) This document shows that the United States was very religious and spiritual at the time. In the letter Winthrop always relates back to God saying that everything that happens to us is a purpose from God and that everything will eventually become better because of his trust and faith in God.

Unknown said...

1) The theme that relates to chapter 3 is strong religious beliefs,and trust in god.
2)The first thing that struck me as an important idea was the fact that he left his whole family in England to try to have a better life in he new world and help the settlers. and although he realizes that it was difficult and not what he expected, he would not have made a different decision about coming. that means that he is determined and believes in what he is doing.This relates to unit two because the colonists in the mayflower had the choice to leave the hardships that awaited them in settling the Americas and go back, but they did not because they were determined like John and believed in what they were going. Winthrop also talk a lot about god and his belief that this is all his doing, this relates to unit 2 because it also talked a lot about people turning to their faith in the church ad the bible.