The Final Countdown To...

Friday, March 18, 2011

African American History and Civil Rights

The following is a guideline of the major figures, events, laws, and ideas in African-American History.  When studying, these are topics that come up regularly on the AP exam.  Additionally, understanding civil rights, social, and cultural issues will benefit students on both the multiple choice and essay portions of the exam. 

Review Materials: Developments affecting African-American History and Civil Rights
1.       Introduction of Tobacco @ Jamestown
2.       Indentured Servitude
3.       Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676
4.       Triangular Trade/Middle Passage
5.       Stono Rebellion, 1739
6.       Declaration of Independence
7.       Northwest Ordinance, 1787
8.       Constitution, 1787
9.       Haitian Rebellion, 1790s
10.   Cotton Gin & King Cotton
11.   Missouri Compromise, 1820
12.   Gag Rule
13.   Annexation of Texas
14.   Wilmot Proviso
15.   Creation of the Republican Party
16.   Compromise of 1850
17.   Ostend Manifesto, 1854
18.   Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
19.   Dred Scott Decision, 1857
20.   Second Great Awakening
21.   American Colonization Society
22.   William Lloyd Garrison
23.   Frederick Douglass
24.   Harriet Beecher Stowe/Uncle Tom’s Cabin
25.   Emancipation Proclamation
26.   54th Massachusetts Regiment
27.   13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
28.   Sharecropping
29.   Black Codes
30.   Jim Crow
31.   1873 Slaughter House Case
32.   Compromise of 1877
33.   1883 Civil Rights Case
34.   Plessy v. Ferguson
35.   Booker T. Washington
36.   W.E.B. DuBois
37.   NAACP
38.   Ida B. Wells-Barnett
39.   Birth of a Nation
40.   Harlem Renaissance
41.   Marcus Garvey/UNIA
42.   Eleanor Roosevelt and the DAR
43.   Desegregation of Military, 1948
44.   Brown v. Board of Ed., Topeka, KS, 1954
45.   Robert F. Kennedy
46.   Martin Luther King, Jr.
47.   Woolworth Sit-in
48.   Malcom X
49.   Huey Newton
50.   Vietnam War

For more from 1948-Present visit
For an accurate timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement with links, visit

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