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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vietnam, Zinn & Bias

After reading Chapter 18 of Zinn, there are a number of questions related to this that could be helpful in answering, to better understand the content.  First, what was the author's purpose and intentions in writing this chapter on the Vietnam War?  Secondly, in what significant ways does it differ from the American Pageant text?  Is one more reliable than the other?  How does point of view and bias affect historical study?


Rebecca M. said...

The author's purpose and intentions in writing this chapter on the Vietnam war is to give the reader a different perspective and some knowledge on the Vietnam war. This chapter differs from the reading in the American Pageant because in this reading the author uses many different quotes and sayings from different people during that time. The author even includes some dialog between several different people. This is a different approach on informing the reader about the Vietnam war because the American Pageant does not inform us like this. In my opinion i believe that the American Pageant is more reliable then Chapter 18 of Zinn. I understand the American Pageant better than Chapter 18 of Zinn. The point of view and bias affects historical study by people may have different views on what happened or maybe have gotten different information. So, if you are going to study a specific topic, such as the Vietnam war then you might get several different view points on it and maybe even several different facts or information

Nick Kuzia said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter was to offer readers a chance to see a first person perspective of the Vietnam War. In this chapter, the author includes conversations and quotes from firsthand witnesses. This gives stronger support to make this a more reliable source. The American Pageant does not offer specific quotes, however, it does not include a strong bias toward the topic either, which has its advantages to reliability. One is not more reliable than the other though. If you want a more personal experience, then go with Chapter 18 of Zinn, if you want a more general explanation with facts, then go with the American Pageant.

Marissa Esposito said...

The purpose of this chapter was to allow people to see an inside view of the Vietnam War. Included in this article are exact quotes from inside sources. This article also relates to the topic and has a strong bias which could lead to exagerations. The American Pageant doesn't have quotes nor a bias but describes the Vietnam War in a different way. I would say that the American Pageant would be more reliable than this article because it is written without a bias and is to the point. The point of view and bias affects historical study becuase it could lead to false or exaggerated information.Also, there could be many sides to the story with different perspectives. I agree with Rebecca in the fact that when someone wants to study something like the Vietnam War, they should learn facts from several different reliable sources.

Makayla O'Hara said...

The author's purpose and intentions in writing this chapter on the Vietnam War is to tell readers of the different persepectives of the war including from soldiers and others not in the war. People had different opinions on many topics involving the war. The author wanted to tell other people about this through the use of quotes from letters, speeches, etc. The American Pageant does not include the biases of people; it simply states facts with few opinions and quotes. Chapter 18 of Zinn stated quotes from people who actually witnessed the Vietnam War. Both sources can be reliable; it depends on what you are looking for. Chapter 18 of Zinn is better if you are looking for opinions and thoughts on the war from actual people. The American Pageant is better if you want general knowledge on the war. Point of view and bias affect historical study because this is how people see something and how they explain it. That may not be exactly what happened so facts would not be 100% accurate.

Claudia Valenti said...

The author intends to offer a perspective different from what we usually find. He provides quotes and firsthand accounts from those who lived through the ordeal. American Pageant differs significantly in the presentation of the information: the textbook spends more time summarizing and examining the events from a secondhand point of view, foregoing the use of quotes unless it is from a famous political or social figure. However, I feel that in this case the textbook is a more reliable source. If you were looking to understand the Vietnam era in a more intimate way, Zinn’s writing would offer accounts from those who experienced it and portray how it really felt. As a student looking for a primarily unbiased text, American Pageant at least offers a simpler, clarified version of events for me to understand and interpret. One person’s point of view on a subject, whether positive or negative, greatly affects historical study: the way a book, a film, or a person portrays a historical event will forever affect the way you feel about the moment in history, whether or not it’s accurate.

Rob brito said...

Purpose of this chapter was to offer first hand experiences and points of view of the war. the american pageant textbook does not provide this type of information as it only summarizes and states facts about the war. better source of information would be to textbox generally but, getting the point of views from first hand accounts are always good, not always the best though as it is biased. Abd the book is not.

Willy said...

The author's purpose for writing this Vietnam war chapter was to give people a first person perspective inside of the war. Unlike American Pageant, this article includes quotes from people during the war and people's conversations. This gives it a more personal view of the war. American Pageant has several facts about the war. This makes it a more general view of the war. I agree with Nick in that you can't decide which is more reliable unless you know what your looking for. American Pageant is more factual. Chapter 18 of Zinn has a more personal view that may contain bias.

Rob Lazzaro said...

The author’s purpose in writing this chapter about the Vietnam War was to provide readers with an experience that is different from what a textbook would give them. This piece of historical text was different than the American Pageant because it used quotes directly from the time period and then takes the time to explain them. The author also uses actual dialog which also helps to explain the war. The American Pageant just sort of takes you on a journey through the war hitting on the major points. Zinn is also very different from the American Pageant because it is very clear when you read it that the author of Zinn has a strong bias that is not present in the American Pageant. The textbook avoids having a bias and just tells the facts. I feel that the American Pageant is more reliable is because of the unbiased story. However, Zinn’s format with the quotes and explanations seems more user friendly. I think that when you study history it is extremely important to consult only unbiased text because someone’s bias may change your ideas on the topic. Everyone should form their own opinion and not let anyone or anything change it.

Damian Litwa said...

The author's purpose in writing this chapter is let readers get an inside view on the Vietnam War through first person quotes. But, this article has a strong bias which might make the writer bend the truth a little bit. The American Pageant just describes what happened during the Vietnam War, stating facts. In my opinion, I would say that the American Pageant would be more reliable than Chapter 18 of Zinn because the Pageant isn't written with a bias so we are able to trust everything written in the book, but with a historical bias it can give off wrong information towards people. With historical bias everyone could disagree with each while facts are facts. So, if you just want to learn the facts i recommend going with the American Pageant.

Owaiss L. said...

The purpose and intentions for writing this article is he wanted us the readers to see first point of view thoughts and feelings. this piece is different form the American Pageant because this piece is told with first point of view quotes while the Am. Pageant is more factual. You cannot say one piece is more reliable tan the other because the online document is told from soldier perspectives so the soldiers only know what is going on around them and don't know a lot about what is happening in other parts of the Vietnam but it shows how the soldiers feel truly. Pageant points out facts from all points of the war, including from the Vietnamese point of view, so you learn about the war but not about the soldiers in the war. Point of view also affects historical studies because like i said, you get one of view from the soldiers and another from historians which may contradict with what the soldiers are saying.

Claudia Majkner said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter was to give the reader a different perspective on the Vietnam War by writing in a point of view, rather than just stating facts. Since many people had different opinions of the war itself, the author included quotes, speeches, and other examples of first-hand accounts from actual witnesses, and most of these witnesses are able to back up their reasons of why they believe that the war was terrible. This chapter differs from the American Pageant because it provides specific quotes from actual people, while the textbook just provides facts, and most of them are irrelevent to the war itself. The chapter shows more emotion when talking about the Vietnam War because of these witnesses, and it provides insight into how it affected individual people. The American Pageant just refers to statistics and facts relating to the countries as a well, whether it's how their economy, military, etc was affected. I more readily take into account the information provided in the chapter over the textbook because the people who were exposed during those times show more insight into the war than a few textbook writers who just divide the war into countries as a whole.

Zack Sirowich said...

The authors purpose of writing this chapter was to give the reader a first perspective of the vietnam war. this differs from the American Pageant text in a way that it is more specific and detailed compared to the American Pageant.One is more reliable than the other. the point of view and bias affect historical study in a way that it has a more personal view than the other. This gives out thoughts rather than world known facts.

Nicole E said...

The author's intentions for writing the chapter was to allow people to see a view of people who witnessed the war or were somehow affected by it. This gives the reader a different perspective of the Vietnam war than the American Pageant. This textbook provides just the facts and doesn't allow any personal thoughts or opinions from those who lived during the time of the Vietnam war. In this chapter,however, it includes experiences of those directly involved/affected by the war, as well as including various sources from different books. Along with these various viewpoints come a strong bias towards events during the time of the war. I agree with Nick that you can't choose which source is more reliable since it depends on what type of information you want- broad facts (American Pageant) or actual experiences (Chapter 18 of Zinn).

matt hollo said...

The authors purpose for writing this chapter about the vietnam war was to give the reader a different perspective on the war. These both have good and resourceful information, but with a different view. In zinn's chapter it offers a first hand eye witness perspective, like offering quotes and conversations. The american pageant offers facts, but it isn't as personal as Zinn's. So if you want a general understanding of the Vietnam war then the American pageant is helpful, but if you want eyewitness accounts then Zinn is more helpful.

Jess Harkey said...

The author wanted to show people how people were affected by or what it was like to fight in the war. ZInn offers first hand accounts from people while American Pageant doesn't and is more factual. i agree with nicole, your prefrence of text depends on the type you need. if you need personal experience go with Zinn but if you need facts then go with American Pageant.

haley hicks said...

I believe that the authors main purpose and intentions by writing this piece, was to show the readers a different side to the vietnam war in this case it was personal quotes and first hand stories. The bias being expressed in this chapter is how everyone tells stories and sometimes information can be changed or interpreted the wrong way. The difference between Chapter 18 of Zinn and the American Pageant book is the type of information you are being told. In the book, it is more facts and statistics while the chapter from Zinn is more personable because of the true stories, which one is better is a personal opinion due to the different types of information being told.

KC Backus said...

The purpose of this chapter was to show first hand accounts of what people who where fighting in the war were thinking. Whereas American Pageant summarizes this era in American history as a whole with more information than inside account, this chapter uses quotes to show what people thought whether they have served in the War or if they were just around at the time.

C said...

Great job folks! My only question: Isn't all history inherently biased?

Kristina96 said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter on the Vietnam war was to give us as readers a different view/perspective on what happened during this war. This chapter is different from Zinn because the chapter summarized what happened and told fact after fact whereas Zinn used specific quotes and conversations so we would see reactions. I understand the Chapter better just because it gives specific details and accurate information. The point of view and bias affects historical study by changing peoples' opinions and knowledge of what they know. Zinn's story was based on experience and not facts, but it's good to have both so we as readers can have both views. But, why did we really engage in war with Vietnam?

Lee M said...

The purpose for writing this chapter is to show the war from a different point of view with a bias. It is is different from The American pageant because this chapter gives more quotes and firsthand accounts of the war. I would say that anything containing a bias would not be as reliable with history. a bias in a historical study could alter what the readers think. The American pageant is more general but contains no bias so i would rely more on the textbook.

caittrzaski said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter was to have a different view of what happened in the Vietnam War. This is opposite then what is said in the American pageant because the author uses first hand accounts like quotes from people who experienced the war. I think the textbook was a more reliable source because it just states the facts, while the chapter just has quotes to understand what people experienced. The chapter provided has a more biased opinion because it is the opinions of the people quoted while the american pageant just states what is what and that is it.

kamila z said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter was to show a different perspective on the Vietnam war. It was different from the American Pageant because it explains it better and used specific quotes.If you are looking for personal experience then Chapter 18 of Zinn would be better.If you want facts then the better choice would be the American Pageant.

Katie P said...

The author's purpose for writing this chapter on the Vietnam war was to emphasize the opposition of the war. He argued that the effects of public opinion on the issue of war played a vital role in the government action that lead to the end of the war, something Zinn argues, was unprecedented.
This text is significantly different from the American Pageant in its strong bias and extravagant use of primary source quotes. The American Pageant is more reliable because it isn't so weighted on one side of the issue. Zinn speaks only of the opposition to the Vietnam war; he used no support in defending why the war might have been necessary.
Bias/point of view is critical in understanding historical content. Views like the one given by Howard Zinn on the Vietnam war prove to be based highly on opinion, and although provide evidence, tend to veer from a satisfactory understanding of the subject when they fail to provide information that they do not believe in themselves, be it true or not. This bias leaves gaps in overall knowledge. Such strong opinions/ bias dictate one's understanding of history. This is wrong because history should be interpreted based on fact. An individual should be able to form their own opinion, not be influenced by historical content that is extremely subjective.
Opinions like Zinn do provide sufficient historical evidence, but it is objectivity that is most effective to the scholar's knowledge and understanding of historical content.

jake walkinshaw said...

The authors purpose for writing this chapter was to give the reader a different interpretation of .the war. He does so by giving first hand accounts of what the war was like by interviewing soldiers who fought in the war. The major difference between this chapter and the American pageant book is that the American Pageant states more of the facts while this chapter states what the soldiers remember and what they think. I think that the American Pageant is a more realiable source because it is more unbias than this chapter. This chapter may not be very reliable because the soldiers have a very obvious bias.