The Final Countdown To...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Supplemental: Interesting history about the Southern Colonies

One of my favorite things is to learn interesting tidbits of history.  When driving, many people listen to music. I listen to enough music while I run, so I often listen to podcasts in the car.  One of my favorites is titled "Stuff You Missed in History Class."  When something can be applied to class, I try to share it.  Throughout the year, I use the podcasts as a forum for extra credit in APUSH.  Often, the hosts will read listener mail, and it's not uncommon for an APUSH or college student to mention using the podcasts to supplement and enhance their knowledge.  So, feel free to subscribe to it on iTunes.  It's pretty great.  You can also follow the show and its hosts on twitter, @MissedinHistory.In American colonial history, there have been several great episodes of late.  So, I'll share them below.Roanoke: What happened to the lost colony of Roanoke (w/ Update)?Of all the mysteries we've covered, the lost colony at Roanoke is one of the strangest. In this classic episode, former hosts Candace and Josh recount Roanoke's story -- and there's a new development, one that may finally reveal the fate of the colonists.

Jamestown: Cannibalism at Jamestown? On May 1, 2013, forensic evidence confirmed what survivors had reported: Colonists at Jamestown resorted to cannibalism during the winter of 1609-1610, known as the Starving Time. But the colony of Jamestown was troubled from the start.

There's also the Shipwreck that Saved Jamestown. When a relief mission left Plymouth in 1609 to assist the troubled colony of Jamestown, an intense storm separated one vessel from the rest of the fleet. Learn how this shipwreck may have saved Jamestown -- and inspired Shakespeare -- in this podcast.

National Geographic also looked into this.  Those with Netflix could watch a cool docu-drama on this, entitled National Geographic: The New World-Nightmare at Jamestown.  It's available instant (and I'm not sure if this link will bring you there, but it's there if you want it). For those of you looking for something more entertaining, you could watch poor historical accounts like The New World, or even Pocahontas and Pocahontas II (the cartoons are available instantly for subscribers, but you won't learn anything from any of these films).
How about the relationships between Native Americans and English settlers?  Time for some CrashCourse!

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